Archive for the day “November 13, 2011”

Less than 24 hours to go

It’s Sunday evening at quarter to 6 and I’m writing this post to say…..


No, really, I do. I feel fine. I’m not uptight nervous, anxious, scared. But I do have an occasional butterfly swoop past when I have a quick think that it’s TOMORROW!

So from what I’m trying to conclude with all this emotional crap is that we, as humans, are thinkers. And some of us just over think a situation. We ASSUME what’s going to happen and we imagine what will happen when it probably won’t even be remotely close to what we were thinking in the first place. So I have tried to control that part of my thinking process that what I’m going to feel and see will not be what my wild imagination is seeing.

I guess not everyone can control how they think. There are a few posters I’ve read on the forum that are just beyond help I think. They simply do not want to try. They simply have lost all hope and it seems that they’ve given up. I’ve seen posters giving support, offering sage advice and options to specific things and possible reasons for this or that only for the original person to say…. doesn’t matter, I can’t do it. It’s those types of people that I wish I could say “snap out of it! You CAN do this if you give yourself a chance!” I think these people are pessimists. Not optimistic views about anything I suppose.

So anyway. I will be Skyping with my mum tomorrow morning before my appointment so I can get some online video support from her. She’s in the states and I’m here in the land down under. I gave up my holiday to go back and see her to get my mouth sorted. I haven’t seen my mum in nearly 4 years so it was painful for me to cancel the trip. But Skype will do just fine. Just wish she could be in the same room with me. I miss her so much!!

Watch for a video post tomorrow as I take the Ativan, and then return from the visit. I also might have my partner take some pictures of me. 😛

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