Archive for the day “September 7, 2011”

Video Updates

Ok so I think I’ll probably open myself up to becoming totally vulnerable. I’ll be baring my true soul, my true self on these videos. If and when I post them please be aware that they will be extremely emotional. I’m not looking for sympathy or pity but strength from my friends and family to help me persevere through it all.

When will I start these videos? Probably after I have my second consultation. What has inspired me to do this? It’s not what, but who. I was on youtube watching a video on how dentures are made (pretty cool!) and it linked me to a young woman in her mid-twenties that just got full mouth upper and lowers. She has been video blogging about her feelings and experiences. The only thing I wish I could have seen was her before picture.

I think that if I’m going to do this, then I’m gonna go the full monty! I’ll be exposing every possible feeling I have to the entire world (or who ever has chosen to follow me). Be it 1 person or 100. I, at least, hope to help someone else who may be as fearful as me.

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