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I thought this would be quite appropriate for my own blog. It’s THE main reason I needed to get over my fear and get my dental health in check.

The Dentist in Fort Lauderdale

A Chinese proverb says: “A smile will gain you ten more years of life.” This may be written thousands of years ago, but it is still very relevant and truer than ever. There is indeed an undeniable link between oral health and body’s overall health; as a matter of fact, there’s a definitive connection between gum disease and heart disease, pregnancy complications, and even diabetes. As the research goes on and new discoveries present new ideas, it’s pretty safe to say that healthy mouth means a healthy body.

The base of the research branches from the idea of what scientists call the “biofilm,” a colorless and sticky film that develops on our teeth, which we commonly know as plaque. It’s a sophisticated reef-like substance that builds up in our moth over time, making way for gum disease and even potentially life-threatening health problems.

Gum Disease And Its Health Complications

Dentist CarePeriodontal…

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